Some of our privacy related projects
As big supporters of online privacy and alternative networks, IncogNET sponsors, hosts or contributes network resources to a variety of projects. Lately we have been trying to push projects to alternative networks like I2P, Tor, and Yggdrasil that bridge clearnet resources to allow users on these networks to access big-tech content like YouTube and Reddit, but without the big-tech data collection. Check out some of what we do in our spare time, for fun, and to help promote privacy below.
The YouTube Proxy as used by Edward Snowden
We run IncogTUBE – A public and free YouTube proxy that allows you to watch/listen to your favorite YouTube content without Google ever knowing you paid them a visit. Available over a variety of networks, the site functions without JavaScript, has no trackers, logging or 3rd party elements. All traffic is proxied through our Netherlands location before reaching you. The site works great on mobile and allows you to access features like Picture in Picture and background media playing and it’s often used to listen to music on mobile with the screen turned off, something you can not do in the official YouTube app. IncogTUBE works where YouTube is blocked and has been used by Edward Snowden himself. The site is powered by the open source Invidious project, with UI and optimizations by dr|z3d of i2p+.
[ View on Clearnet | View on I2P (b32) | View on Tor | View on Yggdrasil ]
Reddit Privacy Front-End
IncogSnoo - Fast and private reddit reader.
Perfect for browsing your favorite subreddits without corporate tracking or via the Tor, I2P, and Yggdrasil Networks. Based on the open sourced Teddit Project, our installation has been modified with both UI and performance updates that make this a more viable option for accessing reddit content where it may otherwise be blocked or while using your favorite anonymity networks.
Try it out and enjoy having all your requests proxied through our network including all embedded 3rd party content such as images and videos so that you never communicate directly with reddit.
[ View on Clearnet | View on I2P (b32) | View on Tor | View on Yggdrasil ]
I2P Outproxy
We give resources to the default I2P+ Outproxy
I2P is one of our favorite alternative networks, however the network itself was not originally built or intended to be used for browsing the clearnet anonymously. This feature came later, through the use of outproxy services, however the default I2P outproxy (false.i2p) that comes pre-configured with stock I2P is painfully slow. That is why we sponsor the fastest available I2P outproxy available, the official outproxy of I2P+, purokishi.i2p. We happily provide them a server in both our Finland and Netherlands location to help distribute outproxy traffic for the I2P network.
By using purokishi.i2p as your outproxy, you gain the ability to browse the clearnet by having your traffic tunneled through the I2P network with your requests reaching the clearnet only from the IP address of the outproxy service as opposed to your own (or your router's IP). The purokishi.i2p outproxy service is multi-homed with several exit points in rotation, it blocks known advertisements and allow you to resolve domains as well. The purokishi.i2p outproxy will work on any I2P router software that allows outproxy access, so feel free to replace the slow, old and unmaintained outproxy that you may be used to with purokishi.i2p !
I2P+ Network Routers
High Performance I2P Routers
We use the I2P+ router console software to host several I2P+ high performance routers. I2P+ is compatible with all features of the I2P network and identify as regular I2P routers on the network, but offers access in a highly optimized and performance focused solution. These routers are used by us in production, by being the connecting-point to some HTTP tunnels that allow services and sites to be available natively over the I2P network. When not serving requests for our own sites and projects that we serve over the network, they’re acting as an anonymizing and encrypted hop for other network user’s requests and serving as randomized tunnels for internal network services like IRC and mail.
View the I2P+ Project Site: [ Clearnet | I2P Network | Tor Network ]
View our guide on setting your own high performance I2P+ Router: [ Here ]
I2P Reseed Servers
Official Network Reseed Servers
I2P requires reseed hosts for bootstrapping I2P routers as they connect to the network. These reseed servers provide the initial set of I2P routers that your I2P router communicates with. This is performed over an encrypted connection and all of the bootstrap / reseed information is signed by the reseed server you connect to, making it impossible for false information to be provided to you by unauthenticated sources.
As of writing this ( 11/20/2021 ) our I2P network reseed server ( ) is planned to be available as one of the several default reseed servers in future releases of I2P ( Get it ) and is already available in the I2P+ router software ( Get it ).
Do you want to help the I2P network by running a reseed server? It’s easier than you may think. Please read the guide here.
Yggdrasil Peer Nodes
We love Yggdrasil, and happily host peers to contribute resources to the network!
Yggdtrasil is an alpha-stage “implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms, and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other Yggdrasil nodes. Yggdrasil does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4.”
We’re drawn to this network project and have made several other websites available natively through their network, including our own. We also utilize Yggdrasil in an interesting use-case where our I2P network HTTP tunnels (tunnels from the I2P network to our remote, clearnet servers) are served over Yggdrasil to secure the connection without any noticeable decrease in performance.
We are currently running Yggdrasil Peer Nodes in the Netherlands and in Finland as well as one in a location of interest to us, Dallas, Texas. We are committed to deploying a new node in every location that we offer VPS services from, so as our small business grows so will the availability of additional Yggdrasil network peers. Our hope is that this will help strengthen their network by us offering fast, reliable, and readily available network resources to help serve traffic.
You can view the Yggdrasil Network Map, which includes a search function where you can enter “IncogNET” to see all of the available services we run on the network.
[ Yggdrasil Project Site | Network Map (Clearnet) | Network Map (I2P) ]